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River Revival

at Gallup Park

Ann Arbor - Michigan



Nature and Sensory Awareness Class

for releasing tension, fun and well being 



Adults 11-100+

In person class 10-12 people limit

following CDC and state guidelines for COVID safety.



Group 1 - Teens


Tuesdays 4:30-6pm 

6 sessions September 22 - October 27th  

Group 2 - Adults


Thursdays 4:30-6pm

6 sessions September 24 - October 29th  

Group 3 - Adults 


Fridays 12-1:30pm 

6 sessions September 25 - October 30th


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Hey there you!

Come to the river and visit awhile with mother nature.   She misses you!

Take 90 minutes and loosen your body and mind from your desk or kitchen table or bedroom cubicle or your worries. 

Learn more about the plants, animals and fungi that live along the Huron River and just be part of the wild world.  

As we walk we’ll use effective exercises to focus our attention and expand our sensory awareness while we move joints and muscles that are especially affected by sitting at the desk and computer.  

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We’ll learn different ways of noticing the natural world, interacting with animals, recognizing their sounds, following the shift in season and feeding our own curiosity and sense of playfulness.   

We’ll have time to share what we noticed and pose questions to each other about the plants, fungi, animals, the human history of the land  and anything else that washes up along the Huron River at Gallup Park.

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After each meeting instructors (Andrea and Syndallas) will follow up with resources for exercises and nature related questions that surface during class.  

COVID Safety Protocols  


This class will take place entirely outdoors starting at the Gallup Park Livery parking lot and following the path west along the river through Furstenberg Natural Area.  The class size is limited to 12 people.   Our goal is for all of us to feel at ease and be comfortable with each other.

To be on the safe side we will always stay 6+ feet apart and while we are in motion  we will wear masks.  Masks provide an extra layer of safety when we pass someone on a trail or if on a rare occasion we accidentally wander into someone’s space. 


There will be time for stationary nature observation where we will be spread far apart and removing your mask will be an option.  There will also be time when we sit or stand in socially distant circles 6+ feet apart from each other to share what we have noticed that day and learn from each other.  People may remove their masks during this time if they wish.  



Yours Instructors:

Andréa Fonte Sula Basso


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Andrea Sula Fonte Basso holds a Bachelor Degree in Occupational Therapy and Master in Physiology and Rehabilitation both from University of Sao Paulo (Brazil). She is also an Instructor and Massage Therapist of the Meir Schneider Self-Healing Method certified from the School for Self-Healing (San Francisco, CA). In Brasil, Andrea frequently treated individuals with back and neck pain, headaches, circulation problems, degenerative diseases, limited movements on seniors, Alzheimer, body awareness, Vision & Body integration, trauma, and hand rehabilitation. 


She is the founder of Self-Healing Me Faz Crescer (for Brazilian speakers) and Self-Healing in Michigan. She was part of the board of Brazilian Association of Self-Healing, where she volunteered for 15 years. Now she is one of the administrators of Self-Healing Brasil.


Her 30 year-experience integrated studies and practices in Occupational Therapy, Hand Therapy and Biomechanics on the Meir Schneider Self-Healing Method, bringing balance and awareness on Vision-Body connection. In addition to that, her knowledge involves other integrative therapies such as Massage, Breathing exercises, Relaxation, Body Awareness, Eyes Exercises, Visualization, Chinese Medicine, Magnified Healing, Reiki, ACIM and other spiritual studies. 


She moved to Ann Arbor, with her husband, two kids and a dog 9 years ago and loves working outdoors integrating nature into her Vision-Bodywork.  

Syndallas Baughman

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Syndallas Baughman grew up on the water and in the forests of Michigan and Florida and earned a B.S. in Biology at University of Michigan and M.S. Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at the University of California, Irvine. Along the way she’s camped and studied plants and pollinators in the Siskiyous in S.W. Oregon, swamps, forests and fields of Michigan, Kauai, coastal and desert California, and the California Sierra Nevada.  She taught at El Cerrito Preschool Cooperative, learning from wise and loving mentors to step back and follow and support kids’ ideas. At Wildcat Community Free School she followed kids through creeks and forests, set up experiments, supervised the use of power tools, knives and fire, facilitated democratic decision making and mediated a lot of arguments about Pokemon Card trades. She’s planted native gardens with preschoolers to high school students, and has homeschooled and camped all over the U.S.A. with her two teenage sons.


Syndallas spent much of the past decade at an automotive manufacturing plant where her responsibilities included developing accountable health and safety systems with teams of union leaders, production operators and supervision.  She recently served on a Michigan State working group developing guidance for community centers and public events around COVID safety.  She participates in consensus decision making with her neighbors at home at Great Oak Cohousing Community. The beautiful wild world is the place Syndallas wants to be! She loves sharing nature connection with people and other living things and you!

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