Self-Healing in Michigan
Meir Schneider Self-Healing Method
“In the Self-Healing method, massage is used as a very important adjunct to movement therapy. Self-Healing bodywork is also a healing tool in its own right. The techniques we use are designed to:
relax muscle spasms, so that the softened muscle fibers become more capable of free movement;
ease the sense of constraint and tension in the body, which may be just as limiting to movement as actual tight muscles;
increase circulation, by relaxing muscles so that blood can flow into areas that have hitherto been deprived of their full blood supply, and by promoting regulation of blood formation;
reactivate nerves;
strengthen weak muscles by improving circulation and nerve response;
promote deeper respiration - an automatic result of relaxation;
activate the parasympathetic, or relaxing, mechanism of the nervous system through touch and relaxation and by improving respiration;
lubricate and mobilize joints and increase their range of motion;
enhance digestion;
balance fluid concentrations throughout the body;
balance and regulate body temperatures - if your hands are cold, massage will warm them; if your knees are hot, massage will cool them;
release emotions trapped in the form of body tension;
provide stimulation to the sensory nerves to aid in motor action - when you feel a part of your body, you can move it more easily;
regenerate deteriorating bones;
regenerate dystrophic muscles.”
(The Handbook of Self-Healing, by Meir Schneider)